Thursday, October 3, 2013

Encyclopedia Enter #4

 I think trees are really cool. Not only do they give us oxygen, shade, and are really tall, but they also give homes to Squirrels, birds, and worst of all bee hives. I find it fascinating how they start as a little seed then grow into huge redwoods. I don’t like how when it rains it drops down from the trees. I like the smell of some trees. I’m not sure if this counts as a tree, but I got my hair pulled by a cherry blossom before.
        I hate ants because all they do is crawl around on counters then crawl on me.  I think it is cool how they can carry something 50 times its weight.  Ants are so small, but some of them are evil. There are some types of ants that crawl up your pants and bite you…I think those are fire ants. I want to shrink down to ant size then go into their mound of dirt and see if they have mini bean-bag chair, massage chair, a hot tub. I just want to know how an ant lives.

In the Garden

I was so small even the ants were looking down at me. I was in the garden trying to move without a sound. I could not see anything beyond the tulips or past the weeds. The ants were cornering me against the door swinging their weapons everywhere. The leader has asparagus and his crew armed with broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and artichokes. I could hear them whispering among themselves.
Bob said “I vote we take her to the queen!”
Jo said “Lets use the lettuce cannons! I’ve always wanted to fire one”
“NO… We can’t use the cannons until they attack us!” responded Bob.  
“Why don’t we just follow the orders from the king and make her eat all of her vegetables/ without feeding any /to the dog / under the table.” I was walking backwards when I fell among the cabbages. Then when the broccoli was almost in my mouth, I got up in a rush and ran along the fence. That is when I realized it was all just a figment of my imagination… my mom was just telling me to eat my greens.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Morning Girl Response

I thought this book was good. Morning wasn't great, but it wasn't horrible. I think it is a smart choice from the author how Star Boy and Morning Girl  have names that relate to their personalities and gender. I think that Star boy was more interesting than Morning Girl in the book. I liked how the chapters would switch from Morning Girl to Star Boy. I would have liked if half the book was Morning Girl and the other half Star Boy. I like the chapter about the storm and the tree. I would have liked to know more about the sister that died like why she did not live. I think that the way Morning Girl describes Columbus and his men. I like the end when they have the part of the Columbus journal.

Friday, September 20, 2013

The Letter From Spain

Dear Fernando,
    I was in the middle of my sermon, when I said it. I told all the Spaniards in the church that they are in danger of going to hell! The Spaniards need to open their hearts and realize the Indians are people.
    I asked them "do you have the right to kill the Indians?", "why do you make then slaves?", and "why do you attack and torture the Indians?". There was no response just surprised faces. I could hear their comments when I left the church.
"He should be hung!"
"Who does he think he is?"
"Send him back to Spain, send them ALL back!"  
People thought my sermon was a scandal and an insult to our way of life. They demand I take back what I said and if I don't they will take action against me. I think God would want me to take things into my hands and run with the Indians
~Dominican Friar Antonio De Montesinos

See How Easy It Is To Fool a King

I think the Friar wants to be sent away, but with the Indians. If the king sends the Friar and others back to Spain they will have riches. I think he knows he has a sense of power over the others. I would be afraid to be beheaded or something. The Friar stands up for what he believes in and does not change his thoughts. For example, when the King and others tell the Friar to redo his speech on sunday, he stays with what he believes in and says the exact same thing. I would have sent the Friar back to Spain the second after he said his sermon. If I was an Indian I would have been really happy about his speech.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

United a poem for 2 voices by Betsy and Lizzie

Morning Girl
Star Boy
I live for the morning

I would die for the stars

We come from the same family

I like to help others

I focus on myself

We like nature

I like to be clean and organized

I love to track mud through the house

We like being ourselves

I live in reality

I hear things as a rock, I couldn’t before

We both like adventure

I like being with family

I like being alone

We have respect for explorers

I want to know what I look like

I don’t care what I look like

We love our land

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life Part 4

School: I hate homework, but who likes it. I think homework is a waste of time. The point of of school is to learn, the point of home is to relax and not work. I like school sometimes, certain times. I hate waking up in the morning I just want to sleep all day. I like the first day of school because I get to see my friends and it i one day closer to when school is over. Lets just say school is… OK?!.

Grades: I don't understand the grading system. The people who invented it should get a big fat F. Did they not learn the alphabet because I’m pretty sure it goes ABCDEF, right. Was it just me that noticed the E, I think not. Talking  about grades I wonder what I’ll get on this response, hopefully an A.

Microwaves: I just don’t get it. They are cold, but within five seconds they are HOT. Some can cook bacon which is good because everyone likes bacon, even vegetarians because they have turkey bacon(facon). I like microwaves because it heats stuff up faster. My favorite thing to make is Hot chocolate.

Personal Space

Pull The Trigger

The air was tense, my body tight, but it was time to pull the trigger. My hand gripped the cold hard gun. The wind blew against me, I took a very deep breath, focused, and put my finger on the trigger. The wind could make it hit one of three hills that are very round and covered in trees or it could hit the old barbed wire fence. The long field grass scratching at my legs made it hard to focus.
I felt a rush so I pulled the trigger and bullets were sizzling to the target. Bulls-eye, close, closer. Time seemed to have paused while I took a breath. The trigger was wanting to be pulled, so I gave it what it wanted. The gun threw out bullets, I did not hear anything because I had earmuffs and for safety I had safety glasses on. I got excited, turned around and threw my arms in the air yelling “Bulls-eye”. As I turned around their faces turned to straight fear. I turned around thinking that there was an animal, but there wasn't. I realized they feared me.
Maybe they feared the way I swung the gun in the tense air or they just feared the gun. After that happened I turned around and shot some more. The clip nearly bare of any bullets.  The way the wind was blowing made me question the way my bullet was going. That was not the only thing I was questioning, another thing was if I should ever shoot a gun again?
I felt the air become less tense and the grass become softer, but I was still holding the gun. It felt like a thousand pounds had been lifted off my chest when I handed it to Ashley. What I learned about this is to make sure to be safe when dealing with weapons.

Monday, September 9, 2013

My Nature Name Would be...

If I had a nature name it would be very interesting like me. There are a lot of different names some being Funny Bunny, Triumphing Tree, Cocky Chicken, Daring Dog, Polite Possum, Enchanting Butterfly, Dreaming Dinosaur, Rambunctious Rabbit, Curious Cat, Energetic Eagle, Poppy Penguin, Bouncy Bulldog, Free Falcon, Leading Liger, Sugary Shark, and Lazy Ladybug.
I will explain some of the nature names. Funny Bunny is because I’m funny and I love bunnies. Triumphing Tree because I’m Tall and I am triumphing. Cocky Chicken pretty much describes me because at times I’m cocky, but other times I’m a chicken. I’m at times Daring and I sometimes I act like a dog. Polite Possum because I'm polite and when my mom walks into my room I act asleep(dead like a possum). Dreaming Dinosaur because I dream a lot and I’m a little violent at times. Energetic Eagle because at times I’m very energetic at other times I'm watching from the sidelines like an eagle. Sugary Shark describes me well to because I am sometimes sugary and other times I mean like a shark. That’s all I’m gonna explain.
If I had to choose one it would be Energetic Eagle or Sugary Shark or I could be Sugary energetic sheagle(shark eagle). If I could be an animal I would want to be a shark because they seem free and feared, I would be more like Lenny from Shark Tale. I would like to be an eagle also because they are free and can view everything from the top. I think my nicknames are cooler than morning girl and and star boys. Morning girl and star boys are who they mine are who I want to be.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Encyclopedia of an ordinary life part 3

Volleyball: Volleyball is my life! When I’m on the court my thoughts and cares slip away. If we lose a game I get more determined to win against that team the next time we play. When I play in a jamboree I play the best I can to show how I will be during the season. I love spiking and serving because it gives me a sense of power over the other team. I love the feeling I get when I give the setter the perfect pass, or when I the accomplish perfect spike. I love volleyball, if I broke my arm I would still play volleyball.

Watermelon: I love watermelon, it is amazing. Watermelon is like an amazing ball of delicious. I think the darker the inside the better. I like when the inside is kind of hard, I think when its like that it is juicer. I don’t understand the name though, I understand the melon, but why water is it made mostly of water? It does not make sense.

Peanut M&M’s: How do they make peanut M&M’s? Do they start by making the shell then filling with the nut? Do they start with a peanut and keep dipping it in chocolate then the color surface. I don’t understand!!!! I’m eating some right now, while wondering.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Encyclopedia of an ordinary life Part 2

Voices: I don’t really like my voice, I don’t know that many people that do. Some people say you never actually hear your voice. Some say when you record your voice then listen to it, that is what it sounds like. I’m not sure if it is the same thing when you sing, though. I think there should be a voice bank and you get to choose your voice.

Music: I like music, but who doesn't. I like the songs that when you hear them it makes you want to dance and sing. Some songs I like are Blurred Lines, My Humps,Treasure, What About Love, Roar, Cruise, and That’s My Kinda Night. One song I really hate is We Can’t Stop by Miley Cyrus because everyone is always quoting that song like“Only god can Judge you”.  I also love music because when you have nothing to do you can hum or just sing like in the shower.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Encyclopedia of an ordinary life

Betsy Raelynn Christie
My name two me brings my family together because my middle name is my dad’s first name and my mom’s middle name. My last name represents ranching, and a big family(that went to Trinidad school too). Betsy sounds like my grandma’s name Betty, which I like. I love my name, it represents my family. :)

My Phone

Things that bug me when my phone is fully charged then dies in like 30 minutes. That really grinds my gears.

Things that I notice are why do things have names. I mean why is a car called a car? Why do letters sound and look the way they do? Why can't I call a boat, phone or my phone, apple, fish or even jfaadhfhshs(how ever you pronounce that). I just don’t like all these rules, spell that with two ll’s, capitalize that, put a period there, comma there.

Slow drivers & Subaru's
Things that bug me when I need to get somewhere like the dentist, doctor, or game and there is a really slow driver in front of you. Especially a Subaru I hate Subarus, they all are bad drivers(no offence mrs.t). It is mainly the outbacks that bug me, but I still hate them.

I hate the smell of coffee, it bugs my nose. I love the smell of sunscreen. “I smell the smelly smell smell of something smelly”-Mr. Krabs
I do not understand war I mean come on do people really need to die because of a disagreement. Just be adults and talk about it, I mean Come on. Unless there is another 9\11 then I’m fine with war. I don’t want that to happen.

My Tweet.

Tuesday:Practice was over. 
I was walking out the door…

Did that just happen? Thank you kneepads

6 Word Memoirs

Volleyball is all I care about.

Basketball is good, Volleyball is great!

Reading bores me, I want action!

Every other even is hard to do.

Sunday, May 19, 2013


I bounce it three times

The ball thrown in the air
The ball hits my palm...
Flying over the net

It hit the opponent's forearm
It goes to the setter
I get ready to receive the spike
BABAM the spike is out
1 point Trinidad!

I repeat my routine
The ball hits my palm
It comes back over fast
And hits the ground
1 point St.Bernards!

When the games over...
Good job, good job
I take down the net..
Roll, roll, roll
We fold the chairs
Fold, fold, fold
Going home now
Bye bye