Sunday, September 15, 2013

Personal Space

Pull The Trigger

The air was tense, my body tight, but it was time to pull the trigger. My hand gripped the cold hard gun. The wind blew against me, I took a very deep breath, focused, and put my finger on the trigger. The wind could make it hit one of three hills that are very round and covered in trees or it could hit the old barbed wire fence. The long field grass scratching at my legs made it hard to focus.
I felt a rush so I pulled the trigger and bullets were sizzling to the target. Bulls-eye, close, closer. Time seemed to have paused while I took a breath. The trigger was wanting to be pulled, so I gave it what it wanted. The gun threw out bullets, I did not hear anything because I had earmuffs and for safety I had safety glasses on. I got excited, turned around and threw my arms in the air yelling “Bulls-eye”. As I turned around their faces turned to straight fear. I turned around thinking that there was an animal, but there wasn't. I realized they feared me.
Maybe they feared the way I swung the gun in the tense air or they just feared the gun. After that happened I turned around and shot some more. The clip nearly bare of any bullets.  The way the wind was blowing made me question the way my bullet was going. That was not the only thing I was questioning, another thing was if I should ever shoot a gun again?
I felt the air become less tense and the grass become softer, but I was still holding the gun. It felt like a thousand pounds had been lifted off my chest when I handed it to Ashley. What I learned about this is to make sure to be safe when dealing with weapons.

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