Thursday, September 5, 2013

Encyclopedia of an ordinary life part 3

Volleyball: Volleyball is my life! When I’m on the court my thoughts and cares slip away. If we lose a game I get more determined to win against that team the next time we play. When I play in a jamboree I play the best I can to show how I will be during the season. I love spiking and serving because it gives me a sense of power over the other team. I love the feeling I get when I give the setter the perfect pass, or when I the accomplish perfect spike. I love volleyball, if I broke my arm I would still play volleyball.

Watermelon: I love watermelon, it is amazing. Watermelon is like an amazing ball of delicious. I think the darker the inside the better. I like when the inside is kind of hard, I think when its like that it is juicer. I don’t understand the name though, I understand the melon, but why water is it made mostly of water? It does not make sense.

Peanut M&M’s: How do they make peanut M&M’s? Do they start by making the shell then filling with the nut? Do they start with a peanut and keep dipping it in chocolate then the color surface. I don’t understand!!!! I’m eating some right now, while wondering.


  1. I really like the topics you chose. My favorite topic you did was volleyball, I like how you described that you liked volleyball so much that you would even play with a broken arm! :)

  2. Watermelon is mostly water, because if it wasn't it would be highly toxic.
