Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My Response To Anti-Gay Views on Orson Scott Card

          I don't think that people should over react about this, everybody is entitled to there own opinion. When Mr. Vack said "What if he was a racist and did not think that whites and blacks should get married?" I think racism is bad, but I'm not going to stop reading his book because of it. 
     There is some type of government law (first amendment) that states you have the freedom of speech, so if you don't like what he has to say then ignore it. There is a political party (Republican) who opposes "gays" so why do we not go against them and not let them run.  I don't care if your gay or not or your race, we are all equals. You have the choice to be against him or ignore him, I chose to ignore him. I know people have their own opinions, but try reading the book you will understand why he should not stop writing. Some people in the class thought that maybe he is gay, but can't admit it because of his religion. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes the 1st amendment protects all opinion whether we agree or not. And that's a good thing!
