Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ode to Technology

Without technology life would not be the same
Without technology we would have to...Talk
We would not have Facebook twitter, instagram, Skype, and texting
We would be in the 21st century acting like we are dinosaurs
Some can not live without it for 5 minutes
Schools depend upon technology 
Well maybe in the future we will be robots
We will bow down to technology meet your new ruler

Best Blog Ever

If you want to see the best blog ever go to the link below
Betsy's Awesome Writings


Gay Couples Face a Mixed Geography of Marriage
Moscow, Idaho
Johnson, Kirk
The New York Times
Februrary 26, 2013

Same-sex marriage was approved by a majority of statewide voters last fall. An amendment passed by voters in 2006, The Idaho Constitution, says that even a civil union granted elsewhere has no validity. Same-sex marriages have not opposed much of an issue, just a few states allowed it. Nine states and the District Of Columbia including Maine, Maryland, and Washington voted to join the list last fall. If you get married in Washington then go to suburbs in Virginia the rights are taken away from you.  Voters in 30 states have banned same-sex marriage by statute or constitutional amendment. The 2 men were going to go on a Sunday drive but decided not to because once they crossed the border the rules of marriage do not apply.
I don’t think it should matter what sex(gender) you are or your partner is.  This relates to Ender’s Game author because he is anti-gay as well with some of these states.   I think the rules against gay marriage are unconstitutional.  Once a couple gets married in one state it shouldn’t matter if you cross the border to determine if the marriage exists.  Just imagine if you were trying to get married and you were gay would you think the rules were good or bad?

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My Response To Anti-Gay Views on Orson Scott Card

          I don't think that people should over react about this, everybody is entitled to there own opinion. When Mr. Vack said "What if he was a racist and did not think that whites and blacks should get married?" I think racism is bad, but I'm not going to stop reading his book because of it. 
     There is some type of government law (first amendment) that states you have the freedom of speech, so if you don't like what he has to say then ignore it. There is a political party (Republican) who opposes "gays" so why do we not go against them and not let them run.  I don't care if your gay or not or your race, we are all equals. You have the choice to be against him or ignore him, I chose to ignore him. I know people have their own opinions, but try reading the book you will understand why he should not stop writing. Some people in the class thought that maybe he is gay, but can't admit it because of his religion. 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Ode To My Sleep

Ode to my sleep
Sleep is like happiness
You can’t live without it
Sleep is amazing
I love my sleep
You dream for a few seconds
You can dream of dreams and rainbows
When you sleep it’s like being on cloud nine
You can sleep in different positions
Sleep never will leave you
Coffee keeps you from this wonderful thing we call sleep
Without sleep I’m grumpy
Caffeine is sleep’s frenemy
It keeps you from sleep, but makes you feel as if you visited sleep last night
Well I have to go, but don’t forget to visit everyone's friend

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

CEJ #4

Betsy Christie
Non-Emergency 2-1-1 line will soon be operative
Harrison, Carol
Times Standard
     It took 20 years, but it has finally happened, the non emergency 2-1-1 line. If it has not been available people in Humboldt county it will be on February 28th. You can access it by phone or web to get information. Volunteers, interns from Humboldt State University, or paid staff are trained as center specialists. This could help a lot of people.  
     I think this is a great idea because now people can get knowledgeable information with the press of three buttons 2, 1, and 1. If I wanted to know about what time the next plane to new york was I would call 2-1-1 or I may have to wait till February 28th. We would live fine without it, it is just that it makes life a little easier.


Are they good or bad for us we will never know
Killing someone you think is a terrorist
It might be quite a show 
It may make some people raise fists
Knowing what is good for us?
Getting killed by drones
I'd rather get ran over by a bus
Something you could control from your phone.
People put dead stuffed cats on some
Is this normal?
I think it's dumb
I hope this poem was informal.
The End of poem 1

Drones: Good or Bad
Are drones good or bad
They could kill your dad.
They could be good
You can go through traffic in a good mood.
It can kill kids
Actually it already did
Good for search and rescue
It could save you.
They could fly
Drones could go under water
They could go up high
Three miles in the sky
If you are a terrorist
You should run, I insist
All you need is a phone or controller
Then you can be in control
Watch out though
It may cost a lot of dough
A drone can watch you
Or shoot you
You can be stalked while you walk
It could blast through your window
and make you a widow
The end

Friday, February 8, 2013

Video Game The Dungeon Keeper

I'm gonna take you into my mind, this is not what I usually think of, but when Mr. Vack said to write about video games. I did not only think best teacher ever, but what a great assignment. My idea was that it would be an action game, but not so much action. You have to get from the lava dungeon all the way around the village back to the dark side. You go through many different levels then There are many different characters and you can customize your characters and ride. There are many different levels I will tell you some. 1) Lava World(volcano), 2) Unicorn village, 3) Rainbow land, 4)Lava World with rainbows 5) Candy village, and many more. It will have some levels in which you have to beat a king at a race. If you pass all the levels then you get to go back to the store and get The Dungeon Keeper 2, but lets get back to Dungeon Keeper 1. If I were to go and start playing Dungeon Keeper right now(I can't because it doesn't exist....yet) I would be hooked and play for hours. Since I don't play video games much all my ideas are coming out here. Warning we are not responsible for you being addicted and or hurting your eyes. If you do not do your chores DO NOT BLAME US! If I were you I would sign the waver either way I still get paid. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013



Earth safe from asteroid flyby next week

By Mike Wall
Fox News
Earth safe from asteroid flyby next week | Fox News

The asteroid is hurdling through space while you read this. A 131 feet wide(40 meters)asteroid will come closer than our very own satellites in the geosynchronous orbit(22,000 miles from earth). This asteroid's name is Asteroid 2012 DA14. This event was mentioned on January 31st, on the same website and said almost the exact same thing. This asteroid will come in the orbit on February 15th. This asteroid is only 17,200 miles away. So I'll be the first to tell you to get your telescope ready because the US might be able to see it during the day. "NASA's Near-Earth Object Program Office can accurately predict the asteroid's path with the observations obtained, and it is therefore known that there is no chance that the asteroid might be on a collision course with Earth," officials at the space agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., wrote in a statement Friday, Feb. 1. There is no chance it will hit us, but if you want to see a video about it go to

         This would be harmful if it got about 17 thousand miles closer. When you see the words Record Setting Asteroid To Shave Past Earth Next Month, what would you do!?There is not a bias. The earth has been hit by asteroids before and 1 killed the dinosaurs, others have just hit and done nothing. This will be like the others not the one. This reminds me of history like the dinosaurs. Science relates because the gravitational pull brings them down in to our atmosphere. According to what I know now about this event I know we will be safe because I read this article, what will happen next is we will be happy and nothing will change.