Thursday, January 24, 2013

My Learning Style's


I am an Interpersonal Learner

My mantra: I understand what you mean.

Interpersonal learners thrive on social interaction. Friends often ask me for advice because I am understanding and in tune with the people around me and their motives, emotions, perspectives, and moods.
My ability to manage relationships helps me understand situations and take a leadership role when necessary. I enjoy teaching and sharing my thoughts.
Careers that require insight and the ability to read what someone else is thinking or feeling -- such as teaching, psychology, or sales -- would be a great match for those with interpersonal intelligence.
 I got a 96% on this I think I should have got 100% though. I think this fits me and I like to talk so it fits me even more. I plan on being a bank manager or teacher or something that has to do with helping people or being a leader, but by leader I do not mean the president cause you have to remember WAY TO MUCH!! Also that is way to far away from home and WAY TO MANY PEOPLE TO HELP!!

I am an Intrapersonal Learner

Your mantra: To thy own self be true.
Intrapersonal intelligence has been said to be the road to achievement, learning, and personal satisfaction. You are connected to who you are and how you feel, and you know your own limits and abilities. You often set goals for yourself, self-manage, and reflect on results.
Those with Intrapersonal intelligence do well in careers where self-management is important, such as being a writer, a teacher, a counselor, a police officer, or a pilot.

I got a 100% for that one it surprised me I thought that it would be about 81% rather than 100%. I learn in a lot of different ways but still that's pretty good. If there was one thing on that "test" that fits me it would be this and an interpersonal learner. I never really thought about being a police officer. A lot of police men or woman probably would have a high score in this "subject", did someone say A+. Oh yeah I did.

You Are a Musical Learner

Your mantra: That sounds good to me! You probably sing to yourself while walking down the street. Keep it up! Musical intelligence is associated with enjoying music, singing (vocalists), making music (composers), and playing an instrument (instrumentalists). You are sensitive to sounds and the emotions music conveys. You have a unique ability to know when something is off key.    
I got 31% which was my lowest score of the "test" it was not that surprising. When I was little I would sing... a lot but I'm pretty positive I grew out of it. Doesn't mean I don't sing to some songs or hum to myself, I do. In fifth grade we had to remember the 13 colonies, so I did a song starting from the south making my way up to Maine. It is a great way to remember stuff. Also a lot of people have a career in music. I thought that percentage for this fit cause I don't think of music a lot.

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