Sunday, January 27, 2013

Ender's Game Answers for 1-5 chapters

Chapter 1
  1. The attitude that motivates the adults to lie to Ender were that they wanted him to get the monitor removed so they lied about if it hurt. Also they wanted to see how he acted without his monitor. Orson Scottcard sometimes lies are more dependable than the truth.
  2. What it means for Ender to be born a "Third" is because the families were only allowed to have 2 children, but the goverment authorized Ender's birth. It means he is a 3rd child.
    - his parents, still love him even though Ender is a third child. (positive)
     Ender wants his brother, Peter, to like him, but Peter won't because he beats him up cause he is jealous.(negative)
    - his sister, Valentine, and she tries to protect him and  doesn't think of him any different than a first or second child (positive) 
    - his classmates they bully Ender kind of like Peter (negative) they call him third and make fun of him because his monitor is gone.

Chapter 2
  1. Peter was not joking when he threatened Ender and Valentine. An example from the book is peter was saying " I could  press and press until your dead. And you'd be dead. Everything would be fine." and when threatening Valentine "Then you're dead, too, sweet little sister." and he is talking about killing them in future tense.  Peter is violent so that is a clue.
  2. I think it is different because the parents are there he was possibly joking or he started to feel bad. Peter felt bad about being mean because he could tell Ender was sad.
  3. I feel bad for Ender because no matter how he is one example is the boys at school another was Peter beating him up. Valentine seems to be a strong and independent kid that cares about her family, she wanted to help Ender. Peter probably acts tough because he does not want to be shown up by Ender and he has a reputation to uphold an example is he did not kill Ender . 
 Chapter 3
  1. Graff meant the evolution was working against girls by saying there are a few girls, but they don't usually pass the test. too many centuries of evaluation are working against them. 
  2.   Ender is leaving to learn how to fight a war, yet he takes Graff’s hand because he did not want to seem like he was lonly or change his mind and go running back to his family. Why does
    Orson Scott Card includes this action because he wants it to seem like he made the choice on his own.
Chapter 4
  1. The following statement:, “Individual human beings are tools
    that the others use to help us all survive.”, means that we all use each other and the goverment use others to fight the buggers.
  2. The following quote: "Isolate him enough that he remains creative -
    otherwise he'll adopt the system here and we'll lose him." means that isolation will keep the boys creative or else they will adopt skills from others, but lose some of there skills.
  3. Ender didn't mean to break the other boy’s arm. This incident made me realize that Ender could get tired of bullies so he fights back. It is acceptable to do despicable things for survival, because it is self-defense sometimes, but sometimes it is bad because you can really get hurt too
Chapter 5
  1.  Ender works hard to express his feelings in private and not show homesickness in
    front of any other person because he does not want to seem weak to everyone else. It is not healthy for him to be homesick cause it is only the first day. Ender already got in trouble so people knew him was positive. The negative things were him not having any friends, but at dinner a 12 or 13 year old boy came over named Mick and gave him some information. 
  2. Ender beat Bernard by writing a note saying "I love your butt. Let me kiss it."- Bernard, and everyone got it on there desks. Him writing the note and having people call him butt watcher is an unusual solution to his problem.
  3. The different coping mechanisms (ways of dealing with difficulties) Ender
    shows are jokes, counting double numbers, and ignoring the people. The jokes helped yet harmed Ender because some people got mad others laughed. Counting numbers helped Ender because he got distracted by all the numbers. Ignoring the people helped him not get in more trouble.

Ender's game anticipation answers

Lying is justifiable if it's for the greater good.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

My Learning Style's


I am an Interpersonal Learner

My mantra: I understand what you mean.

Interpersonal learners thrive on social interaction. Friends often ask me for advice because I am understanding and in tune with the people around me and their motives, emotions, perspectives, and moods.
My ability to manage relationships helps me understand situations and take a leadership role when necessary. I enjoy teaching and sharing my thoughts.
Careers that require insight and the ability to read what someone else is thinking or feeling -- such as teaching, psychology, or sales -- would be a great match for those with interpersonal intelligence.
 I got a 96% on this I think I should have got 100% though. I think this fits me and I like to talk so it fits me even more. I plan on being a bank manager or teacher or something that has to do with helping people or being a leader, but by leader I do not mean the president cause you have to remember WAY TO MUCH!! Also that is way to far away from home and WAY TO MANY PEOPLE TO HELP!!

I am an Intrapersonal Learner

Your mantra: To thy own self be true.
Intrapersonal intelligence has been said to be the road to achievement, learning, and personal satisfaction. You are connected to who you are and how you feel, and you know your own limits and abilities. You often set goals for yourself, self-manage, and reflect on results.
Those with Intrapersonal intelligence do well in careers where self-management is important, such as being a writer, a teacher, a counselor, a police officer, or a pilot.

I got a 100% for that one it surprised me I thought that it would be about 81% rather than 100%. I learn in a lot of different ways but still that's pretty good. If there was one thing on that "test" that fits me it would be this and an interpersonal learner. I never really thought about being a police officer. A lot of police men or woman probably would have a high score in this "subject", did someone say A+. Oh yeah I did.

You Are a Musical Learner

Your mantra: That sounds good to me! You probably sing to yourself while walking down the street. Keep it up! Musical intelligence is associated with enjoying music, singing (vocalists), making music (composers), and playing an instrument (instrumentalists). You are sensitive to sounds and the emotions music conveys. You have a unique ability to know when something is off key.    
I got 31% which was my lowest score of the "test" it was not that surprising. When I was little I would sing... a lot but I'm pretty positive I grew out of it. Doesn't mean I don't sing to some songs or hum to myself, I do. In fifth grade we had to remember the 13 colonies, so I did a song starting from the south making my way up to Maine. It is a great way to remember stuff. Also a lot of people have a career in music. I thought that percentage for this fit cause I don't think of music a lot.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Bloody Tournament

Blood was gushing down my face, so I ran off the court.“Betsy get over here” yelled Denise frustrated.
“I have a bloody nose” I yelled frustrated as well, while swallowing blood. The nastiest taste ever and there is nothing I can do about it!
  It is the end of the 2012 volleyball season and we are 2nd in the league. The only team we did not beat was the Saint Bernard’s 8th grade team. The Saint Bernard’s tournament is my last time I will play with these eighth graders. Our team was doing fine so far. We had already won 2 rounds out of 5 they have won 0 if they win the next one we would have to play hard. Our team was switching sides, because St.Bernards won the round, when it happened…………….The bloody nose!!!!!
A man got me wet paper towels and so did Leslie.
“Put your head forward”
“No back”
“Can I go outside to get some cold air” I asked
“Yes” said Leslie.
I’m letting the entire team down even the coaches because they all want this win and it will be my fault if they lose. This is not good for the game.
About five minutes later………………………………………………..
Next thing I know, Shore is coming saying “it’s okay, I’m a nurse.”  She helped me by telling me what to do with my head and nose, the blood slowed down. Turns out you are supposed to have your head back.  I saw Kateri running outside towards me, and I mean running like Forest Gump. Kateri was thinking Betsy! Betsy!! Betsy!!! Betsy!!!! Betsy!!!!!
“We need you now! We’re losing!” Kateri said frightened.
“Can I go now, Shore?” I asked.
“Yes” motioned Shore.
I ran in the gym following Kateri. “Don’t run” said Shore. I began a slight jog. Leslie asked me “How do you feel, can you serve and play for the rest of the game?”
“Yes” I said strongly.
I subbed in for Kate. We were losing by about 5 points. I got the ball bounced it three times and twirled it waited for the whistle and wham it went right over. “Ahhh a-c-e ace!” the team cheered. That was repeated about seven times. A sharp whistle blew which meant a timeout “We are ahead by three points. Are they gonna break your flow?” asked Leslie.
“Hell to the no” I said knowing it was kind of inappropriate  for being inside a catholic school. I can’t mess up my serve. They can't ice me, all I need is these last six points and we are in second. “Okay dragons on three” commanded Denise. “DRAGONS ON THREE!!!!” the team yelled. “Go dragons” I can hear people cheering on the bench.Our entire team was thinking. We can’t lose to a team that our 7th grade team won against. “WHOOP WHOOP” called out my sister who likes that cheer. I got the ball put the valve down to make sure it did not go out. Did my three bounce twirl and I guess their coach gave them some advice about receiving my serves cause they actually got this one back over the net and we got it back over getting another point we lost my serve two points away from 25(so we have 23) the other team has 18 points. I can hear the coaches yelling “Don’t let the ball drop!” “Spike the ball Betsy!” When the ball was served over the net Sierra bumped it up to Madison, the Madison set the ball to me. Please don't go out! Please stay in please! I spiked the ball hard, but not too hard. No one hit the ball another point for us. Sierra served the ball once more and it was..........OUT! This is bad because now they can serve the ball at us.....hard. The other team got the ball to serve. Of course they sub in one of their good servers. She did her technique and served the ball over I bumped it up and madison set it and I spiked it. We have serve. Come on madison..serve it over. Get us these points! Three points not so hard. She served it over three times. We won!!!! Wait! What Oh my god! We have 2nd place!!! Now its time for the real war the game against St.Bernards 8th grade team. This will be the battle to 1st  place and also those bragging rights. We have won 2 rounds same as St.Bernards. this 5th round will be a bloodier battlefield. We were fighting like two lions over a piece of meat, but instead of meat it was the title 1st place. We fought hard but lost with a score of 13 and the other team having 15. We were happy to have 2nd even though it’s a smaller piece of meat. I loved that tournament because I will always have that memory whenever I walk into trinidad school I will know I was a big part of that win.