Sunday, May 19, 2013


I bounce it three times

The ball thrown in the air
The ball hits my palm...
Flying over the net

It hit the opponent's forearm
It goes to the setter
I get ready to receive the spike
BABAM the spike is out
1 point Trinidad!

I repeat my routine
The ball hits my palm
It comes back over fast
And hits the ground
1 point St.Bernards!

When the games over...
Good job, good job
I take down the net..
Roll, roll, roll
We fold the chairs
Fold, fold, fold
Going home now
Bye bye

Thursday, May 9, 2013

1/2 of my poetry response #4

In the poem Still Faces by Orion Scheideler it has good detail, so I could tell it was boredom from the 1st line. He had a little assonance in the 1st line, “I have seen eyes longing for things to do” with the vowel sounds, the o sound repeating. In the 1st  line he starts it off really good, I got what the abstract noun was without even reading the rest of the poem. I saw repetition of -ness in the 2nd line with plainness and greyness. There is assonance in the 3rd line because of the -le at the end(Is terrible for people who cannot handle the feeling.). He really kept with great poetic form for his poem. In the 2nd line I like how he adds in the “nothing after years of the practice” describes disappointment.  In the 2nd sentence in the 2nd stanza I like the line that he writes “And I have noticed that fullness turns into emptiness.” because it seems like it is kinda cliche, but it is original. He said “some things would never change” I think that meant you can never always be happy or entertained.  The 3rd stanza starts really good with a metaphor(It is oatmeal without a sweetening) followed by 2 more lines describing the metaphor. In the 3rd stanza, 2nd sentence the o sound repeats meaning there is assonance(There is no taste and no color to be enjoyed). The 4th stanza was talking about what it does, I’m saying in my own words “they do not like me, so since I cause not liking things I make myself not be liked.” I think the ending was great. There was repetition in the last stanza. I like how he repeats the title in the last stanza and ends with a good line “Still with hope of finding an enjoyable road to travel”. His abstract noun is boredom or depression.

I have seen poem

I have seen me disappear and happen again
I cause crushes, just to entertain.
The heart needs me,

When I quit it’s a slap on the knee.

When I’m gone I cause a breakup or a divorce,
I have also caused remorse.
Like a daughter needs a mother
And a brother a father.

Everyone wants me,
And i agree,
Never make a deal with the devil
To get on my level.
If you need me I’m here
There is no need to fear.
Anything can have affection
So anything can have me

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

My raps By B-BEAT$

Yo, it’s Betsy
My last name is Christie
Your raps get booed
While mine get wooed

I saw a baby with more swag than you,
Does that make you blue?
You’re rhymes are the worst
Wait..did you just curse?

Guess what else has more swag than you
………MY SHOE!!!
I raise a lot of animals 
I am a ball

I have a lot of dogs 
I even have a blog
I crack a lot of jokes 
I amuse my folks

 I got 5 siblings
I even have a pig lings
I love volleyball
It helps that I'm tall