Thursday, March 14, 2013

Looking back at the Anticipation Guide

Lying is justifiable if it's for the greater good.
I originally gave it a 4, but know that I read the book I would give it a 2 because you can't lie about where a person is going or something major like your identity. If a bugger were to dress like a human that would be a big  lie.
Sometimes violence is the only way to solve a problem.  
I gave it a 4 and I still agree with that statement. I thought it is okay because if the person does not listen(in important situation your only options would be violence or yelling, and one leaves you with bruises and the other a headache. Many people solve anger problems with violence.
Words are stronger than fists.
 That is true because you can hurt someone's feeling's by being rude. I gave it a 5. That saying "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me"  is half way correct the names could mess with your self esteem and the way you act around people. I still gave it a 5.
Bullies hurt others because they have low self esteem.
I gave it a 3 because there are many different reasons. In Ender's Game Stilson bullied Ender so Ender beat up Stilson, I now will give it a 3 still. It depends what type of bully it is. Any person can be a bully, but most choose not to.
Only the best and brightest students should receive the best education to become a nations leader. 
I gave it a 1 and still stand by that answer. If I got really bad scores in elementary then got all A+'s in college, I would deserve being a nation leader. Ender deserves to be a nations leader because he went through so much. 
Revenge is never justified.
I gave this a 1 because Ender got revenge on the Stilson and Stilson's friends were really mean to Ender. The victim should be able to get revenge on the perpetrator. The humans should be able to get revenge on the buggers.
Crying is evidence of weakness
I originally gave it a two because there are many different meanings of crying and tears. I could be crying tears of joy or even laugh so hard that I could be crying.  If Ender found out his family had died he would have a reason to cry because he never spoke to them so he just hass his memories of his mom, dad, peter, and valentine. I give this a 3 now.
Any action is acceptable in war. 
I will give it a 3 because if the enemy has one of your soldiers captive and was threatening to do something to the president you would have no choice, but to attack. I gave it a 3 before too.
Teenagers need discipline and rules because they can't control themselves.
I still agree with my old score of 5. Teen's are crazy now a days and most get what ever they want and if they don't get it they throw a fit. If I wanted a gun to shoot some buggers and save the world somebody better get me a gun. 
 Only trough personal sacrifice can someone create a positive change.
I am staying with my statement of a 3 because if one person has positive change another can have negative change out of the same situation.  Many Americans benefit(receive positive change)  from all the soldiers serving. The human race benefits positively from the people at launch and fighting the buggers.
Generating compassion for your enemies is the only way to create peace.
I am going to give this a 3 like I did before, because if you never generate compassion there is no way to make a compromise. If the human race generated compassion for the buggers they would probably not be able to kill them. If Ender generated compassion for Stilson there would still not be any peace probably.