Friday, November 2, 2012

enjoying the date trees

“Maybe God created the desert so that man could appreciate the date trees, he thought”

Santiago meant that God created somethings to make it where we would appreciate the little things inside of the bigger things.Santiago met Fatima inside an oasis (small thing) so that is like creating an oasis to appreciate the biggest thing of all love(Fatima).
There is a “desert” in my heart it is a forest in real life. My “date trees” are actually redwood trees that are endless, but just to name a few. There is the strong family tree, the tall and mighty friend tree.No chainsaw can ever bring down the greatest redwood of all time the  great life tree. I do not want any lumberjacks coming to my forest and cutting down any of my trees.
Many people have had there great life tree chopped down and there was nothing they could do because that tree was in the forest for far too long. There are different reasons for the trees being chopped. Maybe some limbs were lost of the friend tree because a dishonest lumberjack. A chipmunk could come along and harm your family tree but that won't knock down your life tree it might start to sway with the wind but never get knocked down completely.   You do not want to build a fence around your forest because then it can not grow into something new or experience something new.My forest will stay strong for eternity, and I’ll let it grow more.

making my decisions

“.......Making a decision is only the beginning of things.” Depending on what type of decision it is, for example if you want no nuts or nuts on your sundae. No big deal unless you are allergic to nuts. A decision like what you study when you go to college is important, that is something that will have to do with where you want to work. What college you go to is a big decision too. If i decide to text and drive that’s a big decision that would make a big impact on my life and whoever is riding in the car with me.
Every person in the world has made a bad decision, it is impossible not to. You know if you have or not, for example not going to college because then that makes it hard to get a job which would be a bad decision.  Just because one person wants to do something that is a bad decision  does not mean you have to make a bad decision too.
What type of decisions do you think were bad in your life? Will your bad choices from the past affect your future in some way? Was there ever a choice that you have regretted? If you ever had the possibility to have a million dollars or meet your soulmate I would take the money!! If you had that chance what would you choose?   

my digital life for a week


Thursday, October 11, 2012

my drops of oil

Alchemist Journal 1
The Drops of Oil
My drops of oil are my family, life, future,friends,education,  and my home. I want to keep all my drops of oil. Keeping all of them is impossible, but I got to let some fall of my spoon. I want my life to be fun, but not wake up one day and realize I don’t have a plan for my life.
I never want to turn my back on my family or give up on what I've always wanted. I don’t want to ever forget the important things in life, Education is very important to me. I have been looking for that thing that really speaks to me.I want to be a banker, but that’s a  dream. I’m getting a little off topic now. I have never wanted to be a mother and  not be able to provide for my  children that is why I want a proper education. I plan on going to Humboldt State University.
My friends that I have known since kindergarten, some since I was born,have my back and we know that no matter what that’s how it will always be. My best friends are....well now that I think about it I don't have a best friend all my friends are my best friends. My best friend  moved away in first grade and when she didn’t come back it hurt me. I have not had a best friend since then. That made me lose a few drops of oil, one being a tiny drop of trust.
My home is where my heart is and that is where I always want it to be there. I don’t plan on traveling the world or nothing like that i just want to go to Oregon or go south. Humboldt is a part of my heart and it will never leave. Everything I have seen in my life will affect my future in some way and have some affect on my drops of oil somehow.